take the steps to
prevent a devastating explosiontake the steps to
prevent a devastating explosion
Consider the devastating effects an explosion could cause in your manufacturing plant or processing facility. Your process could be shut down for days or even weeks. The business interruption and resulting lost productivity could put your company at a competitive disadvantage in the marketplace. The cost of insurance coverage could increase dramatically, Or even worse, your employees could sustain serious or even fatal injuries.
At Soteria Process Safety we identify hazards, assess risks, recommend practical hazard and risk control measures and work with you as a partner to provide the support services you need as you implement change to prevent dust explosions and fires. If your plant is processing, creating or handling combustible dust, you are required to perform dust hazard analysis and risk assessment under NFPA 652. Whether you are responsible for an entire plant or a smaller operation, we can undertake a comprehensive DHA to ensure that you are in compliance with the requirements of NFPA 652.